New era begins at ICTAM
20 February 2023 · 2 minutes

During the election aspiring candidates in various positions were given an opportunity to share with the members their vision and plans, if elected in such roles.

At the end of the election, Clarence Gama was elected President of the Association, Mayamiko Nkoloma was elected Vice President, Andrew Kamwend as General Secretary and Elizabeth Masache as Treasurer General.

Yusuf Chimole was elected as Executive Member responsible for Innovation, Moses Dossi was elected Executive Member for Corporate Membership while Tuntufye Mwamlima was elected Executive Member responsible for Women in ICT.

Israel Kondowe is Executive Member responsible for Individual membership.

Gama pledged to continue lobbying for enactment of the Association in an Act of Parliament to give it the needed mandate in developing the ICT sector in Malawi.

He said his plan was to make sure the Association plays a highly enabling role in the government's digital transformation agenda.

“As a nation, we have big dreams in the Malawi 2063 and ICT is a key enabler so there are already measures in place that as ICT we need to influence to enable the government to deliver on those plans. For example, the just drafted Malawi digitalization strategy as one key document and we also need to leverage on the already existing Malawi digital economy strategy,” Gama said.

Former President of the Association Bram Fudzulani congratulated Gama and the entire committee for being elected into their respective positions and urged them to continue forming partnerships with other industry players to develop the country.

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